PEMF is "yoga for your cells" or "massage for cell Membranes", it is an energetic modality to enhance your body's natural ability to heal itself. PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. All of your body's systems run on cellular function and each cell in your body uses energy as its fuel. When a cell is sick or injured, the energy (or charge) in that cell is lower than it should be. The first signs that your cells need energy is fatigue, weakness, reduced function, pain, disease and mental imbalances.
Each cell in your body is like a battery capable of holding a charge, similar to your cellphone, when the battery is low it needs to be recharged.
The Earths Magnetic Field is one way to recharge your cells, that's why people are drawn to walking barefoot on the beach. The oceans' salt water is a great conductor of energy and helps to transfer magnetic energy from earth to body. Unfortunately living in Wisconsin, we have limited access to oceans! PEMF Cellular Exercise is a powerful substitute!
PEMF Cellular exercise penetrates the body to work deep into your cells causing a strike of energy to your cells which the body then manipulates. This strike or stimulation creates an expansion and contraction of the cell similar to what happens during yogic exercise and makes it a perfect complement to your yoga practice. As your cells are exercised (expanded & contracted), the membrane is massaged and opens and becomes a viable recipient able to receive nutrients and release toxins. The energy currents increase blood flow to the open cells and enable the intake of nutrients, the ability to flush out toxins and waste, to function properly and reproduce new healthy cells. Students report feeling relaxed, energized and a general sense of wellbeing.
FDA approves PEMF Technology
Although most PEMF machines sold in the US are not FDA approved the PEMF technology is FDA approved for many uses:
In 1979, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for the healing of nonunion fractures.
In 1998, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for urinary incontinence and muscle stimulation.
In 2004, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for cervical fusion patients at high-risk of non-fusion.
In 2008, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for treatment of depression and anxiety.
In 2011, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for treatment of brain cancer.
Sources and for more info:
If you are new to Pemf and scheduling your first session, please try our Starter Pack intro offer...
3 one-hour sessions for $150!
What people are saying:
"I cannot even express how much better my knees are this morning! Yesterday was pivotal for my body to sweat & purge that way! And...I feel the muscle coming back in my legs! A truly incredible shift! Thank you so much!" -Ellen W.
PEMF generates energy at the cellular level. It is fast and easy to use to support pain management, recovery from sports injuries, low back pain, muscle aches and pains, headaches, depression & anxiety and any other symptoms that arise from low voltage cellular health.
Address underlying cellular dysfunction by stimulating and exercising the cells, helping the body recover by increasing the removal of toxins and increasing the intake of nutrients.
As with any exercise regimen including yoga there is natural muscle fatigue and discomfort. PEMF is a natural holistic complement to your yoga practice and exercise program.
PEMF is a soothing and restorative modality, and can be paired with restorative yoga for added relaxation.
The bodys' holistic nature uses PEMF as a catalyst for full body energy.
Whether its running, crossfit or yoga; use PEMF to harness the power of natural energy to supplement your training and performance goals.
Occasionally there is availability that does not appear on the schedule, call 920-810-8886 for special time availability.
First time purchasing a PEMF session, try our starter pack- 3 one-hour full body assessment sessions. One-time purchase only. No refunds of any kind.
Full Body Assessment, Full body pulse, with accessories as needed. 3 one-hour sessions.
Valid for 3 months from date of purchase.
After you've tried our starter pack you can purchase these options based on your assessment. 60 MIN includes full body pulse, adding accessories as needed to target trouble areas.
One hour session includes full body pulse and accessories as needed. Valid for 3 months from date of purchase. No refunds of any kind.
5-One hour session includes full body pulse and accessories as needed. Valid for 6 months from date of purchase. No refunds of any kind.
10-One hour sessions includes full body pulse and accessories as needed. Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. No refunds of any kind.
20-One hour sessions includes full body pulse and accessories as needed. Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. No refundsPEMF PRICING of any kind.
30-One hour sessions includes full body pulse and accessories as needed. Valid for 1 year from date of purchase. No refunds of any kind.
After you've tried our starter pack you can purchase these options based on your assessment. 30 MIN sessions are best to target trouble areas.
30 min session includes short full body pulse and accessories as needed. Valid for 3 months from date of purchase. No refunds of any kind.
5- 30 min sessions includes short full body pulse and accessories as needed. Valid for 6 months from date of purchase. No refunds of any kind.
10- 30 min sessions includes short full body pulse and accessories as needed. Valid for 6 months from date of purchase. No refunds of any kind.
This 50 min session is great to boost your mood. It is a total body pulse, set low to give you an overall improved sense of wellbeing.
1-50 MIN SESSION, total body pulse. Valid for 3 months from date of purchase. No refunds of any kind.
Enjoy the convenience & ease of PEMF in the comfort of your own home on your schedule. The unit & accessories are delivered to your home with a short intro on how to use the system. Use is limited to those in your household.
Your 1-week rental includes the PEMF Machine along with two accessories. The system is delivered to your home and picked up from your home the following week. A short instruction on use will be given.
Your 1 MONTH(30 days) rental includes the PEMF Machine along with two accessories. The system is delivered to your home and picked up from your home 30 DAYS later. A short instruction on use will be given.
Start your session today!
Occasionally there is availability that does not appear on the schedule, call 920-810-8886 for special time availability.
PEMF is a therapeutic technology which is a non-invasive, effective energy modality for a variety of conditions because it promotes and maintains general cellular health and function. The clinical grade therapy device uses a spark gap system to administer precise natural pulsating magnetic fields to the body (with specific frequencies and strengths) using various accessories such as a full body bed, round paddles and square pad to pinpoint areas of low voltage in the body. It is fast and easy to use to support pain management, recovery from sports injuries, low back pain, muscle aches and pains, headaches, depression & anxiety and any other symptoms that arise from low voltage cellular health.
PEMF or any other energy modalities do not heal or cure diseases directly. What it does, however, is recharge cells and jump-start our body's natuarl healing processes by delivering a series of pulsating magnetic frequencies into the body. That energy penetrates to the cellular level and interacts with cellular metabolism in order to produce a wide range of healing benefits:
Since everyone is unique and has different reactions, and different physical conditions, each will have a unique experience. There are various settings on the device and many accessories to cater the experience to each individuals' needs. Most people feel a pulsing or twitching sensation on areas of low voltage. Many feel a sense of deep relaxation and well being and many even fall asleep.
In general PEMF exercise is very safe and effective, however, there are some situations where it should not be used. If you have any electrical devices or implants (i.e. pacemakers, defibrillators, cochlear hearing devices). You should not use PEMF if you are pregnant, actively bleeding or have blood clots. As with any wellness modality if you are unsure, check with your healthcare provider.
Although PEMF devices are not FDA approved the pemf technoloy is FDA approved for many health uses. Research dates back to the early 1900s to the innovative genius Nikola Tesla. NASA has done extensive research on PEMF and uses it to reverse the bone loss and muscle break-down that happens when astronauts are in space.
To date the following have PEMF FDA approval:
Because every body system runs on cellular function, having cells that are working at an optimal level keeps us healthy. PEMF has proven effective at keeping cells at an optimal level which can support common problems from low cellular health:
At your first appointment, this will be determined through a whole body assessment and your history of symptoms. Different symptoms require a different amount of sessions. Together we will determine the best customized plan for you.
Generally, we recommend 1 hour sessions to receive the full benefit of the treatment. This gives time to pulse the entire body as well as specific areas of concern. PEMF creates a systemic response like a whole body "Tune-Up" or "Reboot", because of this, many issues, not just the targeted ones, also experience improvement. By increasing blood oxygen in the whole body, the sensitive area continues to be helped as super oxygenated blood from the rest of the body continues to flow through the area, for up to 72 hours.
Most people will feel some results immediately after their first session. As the blood is oxygenated and circulation is increased, improvement will continue for up to 72 hours after a whole body session. However, depending on the severity of symptoms, most will need followup sessions to see longterm improvement. Since PEMF is stimulating cellular function, and promoting detoxification, in some cases you may feel soreness, nausea or increased pain after a session. Be sure to stay hydrated and if this happens let your practitioner know and we can adjust the strenghth and frequency at the next session. It doesn't mean you should quit therapy, it actually means it is working, but may need to be adjusted to your comfort level. As any discomfort during a pulsing session is counterproductive, so communication is key.
As with most energy wellness modalities, it is not covered by insurance, but it can't hurt to check. You may be able to have a doctor write a prescription for it and it might be covered by some HSAs or FSAs.